Bridge Bookstore from Karen's Bridge Library

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Newest books (published in the last two years)

Step by Step: Playing Suit Contracts      Playing Notrump Contracts   (Beginner to intermediate)
By Robert Berthe and Norbert Lébely. A introduction to declaring for novice and intermediate  players. Each book features 49 deals, presented with a series of questions and answers that guide the reader to the solution. Suit Contracts was winner of the 2023 Advancing Beginner Book of the Year award from the American Bridge Teachers Association.

  Bridge Cardplay: Easy Guide Series  (Beginner to intermediate)
By David Bird & Marc Smith. Ten booklets on the essential skills for declarer. Topics range from the basics (finessing, drawing trumps, establishing long suits) to more advanced techniques (entry management, holdup plays and safety plays). Winner of the 2022 Outstanding Collection - Intermediate award from the American Bridge Teachers Association.

The Magic of Defense   (Beginner to intermediate)
By Barbara Seagram. Clear instruction and quizzes to teach the basics of defensive play. 

By Dr. James Sternberg   (Intermediate)
 Trump Suit Headaches: Rx for Declarers and Defenders Blocking & Unblocking: Don't Paint Yourself Into a Corner Trump Promotion: The Uppercut
 Shortness: A Key to Better Bidding The Finesse: Only a Last Resort Reversing the Dummy: And its Cousin, the Cross Ruff
 Active or Passive: A Guide to Being a Better Defender When Michaels Met the Unusual: the Perfect Couple From Zero to Three Hundred: A Bridge Journey

By Dr. James Sternberg & Danny Kleinman    (Intermediate)

 An Entry, An Entry: My Kingdom for an Entry Elimination & Endplays The Search for a Second Suit: It's in Here Somewhere
 LOL: It's Loser-on-Loser Second Hand High, Third Hand Not So High Playing to Trick One: There are No Mulligans in Bridge
 Suit Preference: The Abused and Misused Signal Solving the Mystery of the Redouble


By Dr. James Sternberg and Danny Kleinman. Instructional deals and tips to improve specific aspects of bidding, defense and declarer play. The books feature good advice, well-chosen examples and an engaging writing style that clearly explains the concepts. The authors won the 2022 Outstanding Collection - Advanced Intermediate award from the American Bridge Teachers Association.

Let's Play Some Bridge   (Intermediate)
By Frank Stewart. The author's analyzes bidding and play problems by emphasizing logic, inferences and other expert-level thinking strategies. 

Twelve Important Bridge Lessons on Declarer Play    (Intermediate)
By David Bird.  Well-written instruction on valuable skills that can be used at every session of bridge. The topics range from the basics (when to draw trumps, how to establish long suits) to more advanced techniques (elimination plays, how to count opponents’ distribution). Winner of the 2023 Intermediate Book of the Year award from the American Bridge Teachers Association.

Play it Safe   (Intermediate)
By Barbara Seagram and David Bird. Tips, techniques and quizzes designed to help declarers guarantee their contracts. Winner of the 2022 Advanced  Book of the Year award from the American Bridge Teachers Association.

25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know - 2nd edition    (Intermediate)
By Barbara Seagram, Marc Smith and David Bird. The best-selling bridge book of all time, this new edition has been completely revised and updated with modern bidding treatments. It features three new chapters, including  explanations of notrump defenses from David Bird.
Also available is an updated edition of the companion Pocket Guide that provides a quick reference to the guidelines for all the conventions.

Combining Your Chances   (Intermediate)
By Danny Roth. Clear explanations and good a good selection of deals that illustrate how to solve declarer-play problems.

Secret Jojo Plays Lebensohl   (Intermediate)
By Joanne Waldron. An entertaining and very thorough guide to the Lebensohl convention, a valuable bidding tool used by tournament players. The author uses illustrations, stories, poems, quizzes and many memory aids to explain the uses and help readers retain the information.

A Swiss Teams Challenge   (Intermediate)
By Rakesh Kumar. A series of deals where you're called on to make bidding and play decisions during a two-day Swiss Teams event. Presented in quiz format, most of the problems come from actual tournaments.

Insights on Bridge: Book 3  (Intermediate to advanced)
By Mike Lawrence.  This is the third installment in Lawrence's Insights series, which features practical tips and mini-lessons for advancing players. Winner of the 2023 Intermediate/Advanced Book of the Year award from the American Bridge Teachers Association.

Why I Lose at Bridge  (Intermediate to advanced)
By Ben Norton. An entertaining and instructive collection of errors made in pubs, clubs and high-level tournaments by a young English internationalist.

  Parrish the Thought: Volume 1   (Intermediate to advanced)
By Adam Parrish. A thorough discussion of preempts and overcalls, including how to respond to partner and defend against the opponents' bids. Winner of the 2022 Advanced Intermediate Book of the Year award from the American Bridge Teachers Association.

Test Your Bridge Judgment   (Intermediate to advanced)
By Barry Rigal. A series of deals and quizzes that guide you through critical decisions at each stage of the bidding and play. Winner of the 2022 Advanced Book of the Year award from the American Bridge Teachers Association.

Bridge Outside the Box with Val Kovachev   (Intermediate to advanced)
By Dennis Dawson and Charlie Wilkins. A look at the bidding philosophies and tactics of a very aggressive bidder. The book features numerous examples of creative bidding and play.  

Sublime Declarer Play: After the Contested Auction   (Advanced)
By Nick Smith. Good tips and an interesting discussion of how to identify and use inferences to improve declarer play after competitive auctions.

Method Bridge   (Advanced to expert)
By Matt Granovetter.  The author explains a unique visualization process that uses Method acting techniques. It relies on picturing distributional shapes to improve on standard counting methods and make it easier to remember cards that have been played.

Heroes, Icons and Scandals  (General interest)
By Barnet Shenkin. Intriguing stories about the champions, villains and colorful personalities in bridge history.

Bridge's First Hippie: Book One   (General interest)
By Peter Weichsel. A fascinating autobiography by a world champion who was coming of age in the 1960s. It starts with his childhood in New York City and focuses on his life and career as a bridge professional up through age 40. It includes analyses of many critical deals from championship events. A sequel is planned.  

Bridge with Another Perfect Partner  (General interest)
By John Carruthers. A humorous look at bridge mistakes in a collection of challenging deals.

The Abbot's Senior Moment  (General interest)
By David Bird. The fourteenth book in the humorous series about the arrogant Abbot and the bridge-obsessed monks of St. Titus. The deals are clever and instructive, with clearly explained solutions that can be understood by players of a wide range of experience levels.

Bridge books on Kindle  (All levels)
Many new titles and old classics formatted for the Kindle, Amazon's e-reader. 

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Bridge Classics and "Must-Reads"

Five Weeks to Winning Bridge  (Beginner)
By Alfred Sheinwold. This classic has taught millions to play, and it's the very first bridge book I ever read. I read it in one weekend -- and then reread it several times. It teaches 4-card majors, but the principles are easily adapted to a 5-card-major system.

Classic Book on the Play of the Hand   (Beginner to intermediate)
By Louis Watson. This is the oldest and most comprehensive guide to understanding the cards, with a wealth of information on suit combinations, basic strategies, end positions and other principles of declarer play. It was the second book I read, and it was slow going -- it requires careful study, but what you learn from it is invaluable.

Bid Better, Play Better   (Beginner to intermediate)
By Dorothy Hayden (Truscott). It's interesting that in the promotional quotes on the back cover of my very old copy, Alan Truscott (the author's future husband) offered the endorsement "one of the best bridge books ever written by a woman". Quite an understatement, as this is one of the best bridge books ever written by anyone, men included. Hayden's clear approach and sound advice will transform your game. This is an updated version of this classic.

Commonsense Bidding        How to Play a Bridge Hand         How to Defend a Bridge Hand   (Beginner to intermediate)
By William Root. You can't go wrong with any title from this master teacher, and these are three of his best. Commonsense Bidding is the most complete guide to basic bidding, published in 1986 but already regarded as a classic. The How to titles are comprehensive guides to every aspect of play and defense, with hundreds of hands that clearly demonstrate strategies, techniques and psychological factors. Each title was named Bridge Book of the Year (Commonsense in 1987; How to Play in 1990; How to Defend in 1994).

Complete Book on Hand Evaluation   (Beginner to advanced)
By Mike Lawrence. One of the best books ever written on this subject, from one of the most readable and popular of all bridge authors. Lawrence offers good advice on everything from basic counting to expert-level inferences.

How to Read Your Opponents' Cards   (Intermediate to advanced)
By Mike Lawrence. Valuable tips for all bridge players, with great insights into how experts read subtle clues and signals at the table.

Opening Leads   (Intermediate to advanced)
By Bob Ewen. One of the most thorough and well-written books on the most difficult aspect of the game. The author covers all the basics -- plus many advanced topics -- by presenting bidding scenarios and quizzes, with excellent explanations of how to collect clues from the auction.  Lead-directing bids and doubles are also discussed. Now out of print, but used copies are available. Also deserving of "classic" status is Mike Lawrence's Opening Leads.

Right Through the Pack   (Intermediate to expert)
By Robert Darvas & Norman de V. Hart. A brilliant fantasy featuring ingenious hands and humor as each card in the deck tells its own tale. Each of the 52 stories offers shrewd advice for players of all levels. Voted one of the top three books of all time in the ACBL survey.

Bridge in the Menagerie   (Intermediate to expert)
By Victor Mollo. Humorous tales of the Hideous Hog, Rueful Rabbit and the other eccentrics at the Griffins Club, from one of the game's most entertaining authors. Mollo's characters and expert, witty analysis make these some of the most memorable hands ever published.

To Bid or not to Bid: The Law of Total Tricks   (Intermediate to expert)
By Larry Cohen. A best-seller that will change the way you evaluate your hands and make competitive bidding decisions. It contains many advanced topics and analyses, but the basic principles of "the Law" can be easily understood -- and successfully used -- by intermediate-level players. 1992 Bridge Book of the Year.
    Also recommended: I Fought the Law of Total Tricks by Mike Lawrence and Anders Wigren. The authors offer evidence and examples that take issue with the theory of The Law of Total Tricks. Advanced and expert-level players will find excellent bidding strategies here.

Card Play Technique: Or the Art of Being Lucky   (Advanced to expert)
By Victor Mollo & Nico Gardner. Considered by many to be the best book ever written on card play, this time-honored book teaches techniques you can apply to both declarer play and defense.

The Secrets of Winning Bridge   (Advanced to expert)
by Jeff Rubens. Interesting and very detailed discussions on hand evaluation, matchpoint play and many topics that are covered only lightly in other books.

Killing Defence at Bridge   (Advanced to expert)
By Hugh Kelsey. Brilliant advice on how to solve problems on defense, with many very difficult quiz hands. Also recommended is the sequel, More Killing Defence.

Bridge Odds for Practical Players   (Advanced to expert)
By Hugh Kelsey & Michael Glauert. The leading book on bridge probabilities, now in its 7th printing. The authors provide short explanations of the theories and detailed examples of how to calculate odds and solve problems at the table.  

Matchpoints   (Advanced to expert)
By Kit Woolsey. The best book ever written on expert-level matchpoint strategy and tactics. The author tells you up front that you probably won't agree with all his ideas, but they will definitely make you think -- and improve your matchpoint decisions.

Adventures in Card Play  (Expert)
By Hugh Kelsey and Geza Ottlik. This is a reprint of a classic that is one of the most challenging bridge books ever written. The deals are ingenious, sometimes spectacular, and the analysis is very deep and detailed.

Bridge Squeezes Complete: Winning Endplay Strategy   (Expert)
By Clyde Love. This is a new edition of the time-honored, expert-level treatise on squeeze play. It's definitely not light reading, but worth the time and study for serious players.

Why you Lose at Bridge   (All levels)
By S. J. Simon. Meet the Unlucky Expert, Mr. Smug, Mrs. Guggenheim and other now-famous characters in a book with simple, entertaining advice on how to attain the best results possible. Published in 1946 and reprinted in 1996, this was voted the #1 book of all time in the December 1994 ACBL Bulletin survey.

 The Official ACBL Encyclopedia of Bridge   (All levels)
Edited by Brent Manley. A thick volume packed with information on people, conventions, card combinations, bridge terms, history and just about anything else you might ever want to know about bridge. This is the 7th edition, updated in late 2011.

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Basic books for beginners and learners

 A Taste of Bridge
By Jeff Bayone. A series of six lessons based on the beginner course taught at the largest club in North America -- the Honors Bridge Club in New York City. Bayone keeps it simple and emphasizes how to have fun learning and playing. Winner of the 2018 Newcomer Book of the Year award from the American Bridge Teachers Association.

Startup Bridge and Beyond
By Lynn Berg. A long-time bridge teacher adds a personal touch to this discussion of how to play duplicate bridge, develop a partnership and deal with mistakes. Winner of the 2019 ABTA Beginner Book of the Year award.

  How to Play and Win at Bridge  
By David Bird. A complete tutorial for learners, plus features for players of all skill levels -- bridge history, reference material, features on famous players, bridge on TV and video, computer and online bridge. Formatted for gift giving -- hard cover 256 pages and more than 700 illustrations and photographs.

  Win at Bridge: A Teach Yourself Guide 
By David Bird. A beginner's guide with quick-start introductions to key principles, interactive quizzes and self-tests. The author offers additional articles on a companion website to help learners track their progress. 

  Quiz Book Series:  Declarer Play at Bridge      Defensive Play at Bridge       Bidding at Bridge
By David Bird & Barbara Seagram. Good explanations of the basics. Each section contains a brief introduction on a specific topic, followed by problems that allow readers to practice their new skills. Declarer Play at Bridge  was named the 2013 Book of the Year by the American Bridge Teachers' Association.

How to Play Winning Bridge  
By David Bird. A teaching course and guide to all things bridge, this hard-cover volume includes a history of the game and its champions, a beginner tutorial, sample games, rules and reference sections. A majority of the later chapters are written for intermediate and higher-level players.

 Gary Brown's Learn to Play Bridge 
By Gary Brown.  Designed for newcomers, this well-organized manual offers an easy, step-by-step approach and a refreshing writing style. Named 2007 Book of the Year by the American Bridge Teachers Association.

Tournament Bridge Series:  Beginner     Intermediate     Notrump contracts    
By Ken Casey. Four books that focus on basic strategies for tournament play. A fourth volume in the series, Tournament Bridge for Advanced Players, offers more advanced instruction. Available in paperback and Kindle editions.

Larry Teaches Modern Bidding (Kindle versions):  Vol. 1     Vol. 2     Vol. 3  
By Larry Cohen. Basic instruction on opening bids and responses, opener's rebid, responder's rebid and competitive auctions. Winner of the 2021 Beginner Book of the Year award from the American Bridge Teachers Association.

I Love Bridge 
By Mimi David. A workbook for bridge teachers and learners who want to teach themselves how to play. This is the first in the three-volume "Valentine" series that includes Intermediate and Advanced Bridge texts plus a teacher's manual.

Playing a Bridge Hand: Just the Basics
By Mary Ann DuFresne. A how-to book for beginners who want to learn more about planning the play, managing entries, building tricks and eliminating losers.

Goren's New Bridge Completete
By Charles Goren. The original "bible" for the Standard American 5-card-major system, this classic was updated in 1985 and remains a solid reference for beginners and advancing players.

Club and Diamond Series       Opening the Bidding        Bridge Basics 3: Popular Conventions 
By Audrey Grant. "Bidding in the 21st Century" series, which includes updates of instructional books used in American Contract Bridge League teaching programs. The Club Series manual teaches bidding; the Diamond Series teaches play of the hand. Other titles by Audrey Grant are here.

Five Steps to Simplify the Defense      Five Steps to Simplify Entries  
By Audrey Grant. Two booklets with clear instructions, examples and practice deals on how to win extra tricks as defender and declarer. Simplify the Defense was named the 2020 Beginner Book of the Year by the American Bridge Teachers Association (ABTA).

Newcomer's Guide: A Stress-Free Introduction to Duplicate Bridge
By Brian Gray. The basics of duplicate play, including game formats, bridge laws, etiquette and procedures. The author includes lots of how-to tips on filling out convention cards, using bidding boxes, using scoring equipment and more. Available in Kindle and hard-cover editions.

Bridge: All You Need to Know to Get Started 
By Mark Horton. A comprehensive guide to the basics, presented in a handy spiral hardback format with full-color graphics and large hand diagrams. The lessons start with material for absolute beginners and progress to more advanced topics.

  Bridge for Dummies        Bridge for Dummies (Large-print edition) 
By Eddie Kantar. An entertaining, detailed introduction to the basics of bidding and play. 1997 Bridge Book of the Year. The large-print edition features updated information on the latest bidding techniques and an expanded section on playing bridge online.

Introduction to Declarer Play      Introduction to Defense 
By Eddie Kantar, with Barbara Seagram. More than 50 years after their first publication, these classics have been revised and updated to reflect modern methods of play and bridge education. Kantar offers comprehensive instruction and an entertaining writing style that makes learning fun. Both volumes include some advanced material. Both books were named winners of the Legacy Award in the ABTA's 2020 Book of the Year contest.

Bridge Basics        Five-Card Majors
By Ron Klinger. Two volumes with succinct lessons that teach the basics of the standard bidding system used by most players in North America.

Teach Your Child Bridge  
By Ron Klinger. Designed for adults who want to introduce bridge to children. The book presents a simplified ACOL system (popular in the UK) with lessons, graphics and teaching tips. 

Bridge for Club Players: Book Zero 
By Geoff Lacy. Subtitled "Starting the game", this is the first of three books for newcomers. It explains the basics of bridge and provides the background needed to enter your first club game.

  The Fun Way to Serious Bridge
By Harry Lampert. Now in its 20th printing, this is a sound introduction to the basics, with lots of illustrations and a pleasant writing style. The tips here are valuable for learners and for party-bridge players who want to make the transition to duplicate bridge.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Bridge
By Anthony Medley. A comprehensive lesson book for learners, with good explanations of the logic behind bridge bidding. Each chapter has many quiz hands.

  A First Book of Bridge Problems         A Second Book of Bridge Problems
By Pat O'Connor. Fifty declarer and defensive problems, presented in approximate order of difficulty. The emphasis is on planning the play at the first trick. A First Book was named 2012 Bridge Book of the Year by the American Bridge Teachers Association.

Demystifying Defense  
By Patrick O'Connor. Instruction in basic defensive concepts with 40 forty problems that demonstrate how to think through each trick.

ABC's of Bridge
By William Root. Clear descriptions of the basics from this award-winning teacher. 

Learn Bridge in Five Days        Bridge for Bright Beginners
By Terence Reese. Bidding summaries and fundamentals of offensive and defensive bidding and play.

An Introduction to the Science of Bidding: Bridge with Brian 
By Brian Richardson. A beginner's text that will appeal to those who eventually want to play duplicate bridge. In addition to the basics, the author teaches weak two-bids, Jacoby transfers and other popular conventions.

The Times Beginner's Guide to Bridge   (Beginner)
by Andrew Robson. A complete course that starts with the basics and teaches essential skills. The book includes many practice hands and discussions of how to improve your memory and communication with partner.

Beginning Bridge 
By Barbara Seagram & Linda Lee. This learner's manual covers every aspect of the game -- bidding, declarer play, defense and scoring -- with user-friendly tips, stories and quizzes.

Planning the Play of a Bridge Hand 
By Barbara Seagram. Good instruction on the basics of declarer play, including suit establishment, finessing and ruffing losers. It also focuses on how declarer forms a plan for the entire hand. Planning the Play: The Next Level is a companion volume that covers more advanced techniques.

Planning the Defense
By Barbara Seagram and David Bird. A step-by-step guide to all aspects of defending a bridge hand -- making a plan, signaling, discarding and counting points, tricks and distribution.

The Road Across the Bridge: A Relaxed Tuition in the Art of Bridge 
By Bryan Stephens. An introduction to the bare basics of cardplay, followed by instructions for playing Minibridge, then "real" bridge. The later chapters cover simple conventions and playing tactics, interspersed with humor and commentary.

Wait-A-Minute Bridge
By David Stevens.  Subtitled "A Complete System for Bridge Beginners and Advancing Players", this book uses a stop-action format to encourage the reader to think through bidding, play and defense problems.

 Defending at Bridge: A First Course 
By Bill Treble. A well-written overview of the basics of defense. Eight lessons and many practical examples explain opening leads, signaling, second- and third-hand play, discards and other topics. Named 2017 Book of the Year by the American Bridge Teachers Association.

Bridge in 3 Weeks  
By Alan Truscott. A comprehensive, 21-day course for absolute beginners. The basics are presented in an short, easy steps, with a handy index for quick reference.

Bridge is for Kids  
By Patty Tucker. Beginner lessons written for children.

  Bridge for Beginners & Beyond 
By Karen Walker. The 18th edition of a self-teaching textbook for learners and advancing players who want to tune up their skills. This revised edition features a chapter on the popular 2-over-1 bidding system. Lessons begin with the bare basics and progress to more advanced topics, including tips on how to add popular conventions to your system. Order direct from the author through this link.

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For advancing players

Bridge: Tips and Techniques from the Masters
Various contributors. This heavy volume is an edited compilation of several bridge books, most by English authors, including Tony Sowter, Brian Senior, Sally Brock and Tony Forrester. It includes 4249 diagrammed deals in sections on bidding, defense and declarer play.

Shark's Pointers 
By Mark Aquino. Interesting deals, humorous anecdotes and advice for advancing bridge players.

Counting at Bridge: The Easy Way to Improve Your Game  
By Diane Aves. An introduction to the critical skills of counting and card reading. The emphasis is on basic techniques and concepts for newer and advancing players.

Matchpoint Tricks
By Ib Axelson & Villy Dam. A series of declarer-play problems with a theme of finding extra tricks and a discussion of how to determine when it's necessary to risk your contract.

Almost the Only Bridge Book You'll Ever Need: Volume 1 Volume 2  
By Randy Baron. Two books with essays, tips and instruction on how to be a better partner and have more fun playing bridge.
  Points, Schmoints!   More Points Schmoints Negative Doubles
  Declarer Play the Bergen Way   Bergen for the Defense Better Rebidding with Bergen
  More Declarer Play the Bergen Way Marty Sez Vol. 1Vol. 2  Vol. 3 Bergen's Best Bridge Quizzes
 Better Slam Bidding with Bergen Understanding 1NT Forcing   Bergen's Best Bridge Tips
  Slam Bidding Made Easier To Open or Not to Open: Rule of 20 Secrets to Winning Bridge

By Marty Bergen. Modern advice and interesting ideas -- all with a good dose of humor -- on how to evaluate bridge hands, tune up your bidding and make at-the-table decisions. Points, Schmoints was named 1996 Bridge Book of the Year. Declarer Play the Bergen Way was 2005 Bridge Book of the Year.

Winning Duplicate Tactics 
By David Bird. Good explanations of duplicate scoring and how to make critical decisions in pair and team games -- how to choose contracts and when to be aggressive vs. conservative, take risks, play for overtricks. 

Deceptive Card Play Reading the Cards Defending Notrump Contracts         
Avoidance Plays Safety Plays  Defending Suit Contracts               
Tricks with Trumps Planning in Suit Contracts  Defensive Signaling    
Entry Management #1  Entry Management #2    Tricks with Finesses 
Planning Notrump Contracts  Planning Notrump Contracts #2    Planning in Defense
Endplays and Coups Eliminations & Throw-Ins  Squeezes Made Simple 

(entire series). By David Bird, Tim Bourke & Marc Smith. Named 2002 Bridge Book of the Year, this "Bridge Techniques" series teaches the most important aspects of card play. Each 64-page book features specific techniques, example hands and explanations of the strategies from declarer's and defenders' points of view.

Suit Contracts         Defensive Plays      Notrump Contracts    
By David Bird, Brian Senior & Sally Brock. Three volumes in the "Essential Bridge Plays" series.  Each 160-page book describes standard techniques and advanced strategies. Bird's Notrump Contracts was named 2003 Bridge Book of the Year by the American Bridge Teachers Association.

  52 Great Bridge Tips                       52 Great Bridge Tips in Declarer Play 

           Another 52 Great Bridge Tips        52 Bridge Mistakes to Avoid
By David Bird. Each volume offers a series of weekly tips, designed to keep bridge enthusiasts entertained and occupied for the whole year.

  Bridge Squeezes for Everyone         Bridge Endplays for Everyone 
By David Bird. Straightforward explanations of two declarer-play strategies and techniques, written in a conversational style with excellent quizzes and recaps.

  Off-Road Declarer Play 
By David Bird. A unique book that explores unusual ways to play a bridge hand, with explanations of why and when such techniques may be necessary. The methods include strategies for creating entries, surviving bad trump breaks, executing "elopements" and inducing the defenders to help you.

What's your line? 100 Instructive Bridge Problems  
By David Bird. One hundred problems covering a wide range of card-play techniques. Each is presented in a two-hand format with solution and full deal, bidding tips and points to remember.

  Defensive Signaling at Bridge  
By David Bird. A good discussion of the purpose and types of defensive signals, with examples, quizzes and recommendations. Also included is an analysis of the methods used by eight world-class pairs.

Ten Ways to Improve Your Bridge       Ten More Ways to Improve Your Bridge  
By David Bird. Each book offers an analysis of ten topics in bidding and play, ranging from cuebids to special doubles to creative fit-showing bids. The sequel includes tips on adding helpful conventions (Jacoby 2NT, Lebensohl and three forms of keycard Blackwood).

Clever Plays In The Trump Suit  
By David Bird. An instructional book on declarer-play with a focus on managing the trump suit -- unblocking, endplays, safety plays, avoidance plays, entry management, playing Moysian fits and other techniques.

Winning Duplicate Tactics   
By David Bird. Good explanations of duplicate scoring and how to make critical decisions in pair and team games -- how to choose contracts and when to be aggressive vs. conservative, take risks, play for overtricks. Named 2015 Book of the Year by the American Bridge Teachers Association.

On the Other Hand: Bridge Cardplay Explained     Defense on the Other Hand  
By David Bird & Larry Cohen. A unique approach to cardplay instruction that presents 100 pairs of similar deals that require different solutions. Each pair is analyzed by both authors. Winner of the 2019 and 2020 ABTA Intermediate Book of the Year awards. 

Bridge Entry Techniques  
By David Bird. A comprehensive discussion of how to manage entries to partner's hand when declaring and defending. More than 150 instructive deals cover everything from finessing to avoidance plays to coup positions.

So You Think You Can Play Bridge
By Peter Blekinsop and Ray Hassall. A puzzle book with 100 challenging hands for declarer and defender. 

Matchpoints Versus IMPs 
By Augie Boehm. Matchpoint (pair) and IMP (team) events use different scoring systems and require different strategies. This book offers sound advice on how to develop your personal style and make successful bidding and play decisions at each form of scoring. Links to the preface and table of contents are here.

Demon Defense & Demon Doubling         Wielding the Axe 
By Augie Boehm. Thorough discussions of the risks and rewards of penalty doubles and tips for defending doubled contracts.

Private Sessions: A Bridge Education  
By Augie Boehm. A focus on how to think at the bridge table. The author offers ideas for improving your memory, visualizing layouts, evaluating hands, timing your bids and plays, and becoming a successful declarer.

Three Notrump in Depth  
By Augie Boehm. A treatise on how to bid, play and defend "everyone's favorite contract." Part I offers a wide range of easy-to-use bidding tools to help you and partner discover when to choose 3NT and when to avoid it. Part II covers play and defense of 3NT contracts.

Bridge Smarts: Path to Bridge Success 
By Augie Boehm. An interesting and original approach to teaching the nuances of hand evaluation. The book includes numerous exercises and quizzes that explain how to make inferences and think through a problem. Named 2016 Book of the Year by the American Bridge Teachers Association.

  Countdown to Winning Bridge
By Tim Bourke & Marc Smith. A highly recommended book with detailed tips and techniques on how to develop the critical skill of counting a bridge hand. If you can count to 13, this book is sure to improve your defense and declarer play. The content is also available in an interactive CD-ROM version.

Leading Questions in Bridge 
By Sally Brock. Answers to a wide range of opening-lead questions: Active or passive? Lead partner's suit or your own? Lead trumps? Be deceptive? These and other issues are covered in an approachable book aimed at players who want to improve this important skill.

Tricks of the Trade 
By Larry Cohen. A compilation of the author's articles in The Bridge World magazine. They cover how to recognize recurring situations, channel mental processes and understand cause and effect at the bridge table.

How to Play Like an Expert (without having to be one)  
By Mel Colchamiro. A light-hearted discussion for advancing players who want to make expert-level decisions. Its advice comes with anecdotes, quizzes and lots of bidding gimmicks.

  Spotlight on Card Play 
By Robert Darvas & Paul Lukacs. An updated reprint of a 1960 title, this well-organized book presents common play problems and leads the reader to each solution through a series of questions and answers.

Bridge Outside the Box with Val Kovachev
By Dennis Dawson and Charlie Wilkins. Originally from Bulgaria, Val Kovachev is a creative, aggressive player with a long history of successes. The authors offer entertaining deals that illustrate his unique approach to the game.

Dormer on Deduction 
By Albert Dormer.  Practical advice on how to use logic and different types of reasoning to enhance your card play and enjoyment of the game.

  Bridge With Bells and Whistles  
By Mary Ann Dufresne & Marion Ellingsen. This book reviews basic bidding concepts, then suggests and explains refinements to help novices progress to the next level. The recommendations include several popular conventions for advancing players. Winner of the 2011 Book of the Year award from the American Bridge Teachers Association.

Coming Back to Bridge 
By Paul Goldfinger. Those who haven't played for a few decades are often amazed at how much the game has changed when they start to play again. This book summarizes the key changes in bidding systems, conventions, alerts and other aspects of bridge that will help returning players modernize their skills. 

  Teach Me To Play: A First Bridge Book
By Jude Goodwin & Don Ellison. A unique way to introduce bridge to children, full of cartoons, activities and quizzes. 1988 Bridge Book of the Year.

Improve Your Declarer Play: Five Steps to Simplify the End Play
By Audrey Grant. Clear instructions, examples and practice deals on how to use endplays and throw-ins to win extra tricks as declarer.

2-Over-1 Game Force  
By Audrey Grant & Eric Rodwell. All the basics of Two-Over-One system and the Forcing Notrump convention, with color-coded bidding charts, summaries, exercises and examples.

The Impact of Opening Leads Against No Trump Contracts 
By Audrey Grant. Instruction and practice deals that focus on how to improve your opening leads to notrump contracts and how the lead affects decisions later in the play.

How the Experts Win at Bridge
By Burt Hall, Lynn Rose-Hall and Larry Cohen. Insight into how experts think at the table, with interesting explanations of how to adopt their strategies and techniques. 1997 Bridge Book of the Year.

  Better Signaling Now  
By Mark Horton. Based on the acclaimed Step by Step Signaling, this revised edition includes explanations and evaluations of signaling methods popular among today's experts. Every chapter features practical examples of defensive plays by the world's top players.

  The Rabbi's Rules: Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Bridge Game
By Mark Horton. Real-life deals featuring the bridge-playing rabbi, Leonard Helman, and a wealth of tips on bidding and play.

Bridge Master vs. Bridge Amateur 
By Mark Horton. A collection of deals that illustrate the difference between expert players and would-be experts. The examples illustrate common decisions in bidding, play and defense where the amateur will often go wrong, but the expert never will.

Misplay These Hands With Me        Misplay More Hands with Me
Misbid These Hands with Me          Misdefend These Hands with Me
By Mark Horton. Written in the style of Terence Reese, these entertaining books lead the reader through logical but ultimately unsuccessful lines of play that were taken on actual deals from top-level events. The  analysis then focuses on clues that should have led declarer to the winning line. All the deals are taken from high-level play.

Mammoth Book of Bridge
By Mark Horton.  This new book includes hundreds of illustrated hands and covers a wide range of topics -- from bidding systems and conventions to declarer-play tips to a history of the World Bridge Championships. It also includes information on bridge software and advice on playing clubs, tournaments and online sites.

Deadly Defence     The Deadly Defence Quiz Book 
By Wladyslaw Izdebski, Roman Krzemien & Ron Klinger. Two books that offer insights into how to become a deceptive defender and recognize special defensive situations. 

  Kantar for the Defense: Volume 1  and    Volume 2
By Eddie Kantar.  Each volume has 100 challenging defensive problems, with excellent, easy-to-follow explanations of the logic behind the recommended plays.

  New Approach to Play and Defense: Volume I  and    Volume 2
By Eddie Kantar.  Instructional quiz hands in an interesting format -- each is presented first as a declarer-play problem, then as a defensive problem. Volume I was 1986 Bridge Book of the Year.

  Eddie Kantar Teaches Modern Bridge Defense        Eddie Kantar Teaches Advanced Bridge Defense 
By Eddie Kantar.  Kantar's newest volumes of defensive tips, with some new ideas that can benefit players of all levels. Modern Bridge Defense covers basic concepts (leads, signalling, discarding, etc.).  Advanced Bridge Defense offers a thorough exploration of counting the hand, making inferences, falsecarding, using lead-directing doubles and other strategies. Named 1999 Bridge Books of the Year by ABTA. 

  Eddie Kantar Teaches Topics in Declarer Play
By Eddie Kantar. The author offers very detailed analysis of specific topics in declarer play, including  finesses (when and how to take them, and equally important, when to avoid taking them), endplays, eliminations, issues with entries, suit establishment and counting.g.

  Take All Your Chances at Bridge       Take All Your Chances 2
By Eddie Kantar. Great advice, lots of examples and an entertaining writing style from this prolific and popular author. The theme is finding and combining as many lines as possible to optimize the chances of making a contract.

 Defensive Tips for Bad Card Holders
By Eddie Kantar. From one of the bridge world's most popular authors comes a collection of 578 tips that will improve defensive play. This new edition is based on Kantar's 2004 book, but has been completely revised and updated to reflect modern bidding. It also includes many new tips. 

Treasury of Bridge Tips             Take Your Tricks       
By Eddie Kantar.  Each book offers hundreds of easy-to-understand tips, strategies and "rules" to improve your bidding, declarer play and defense. 

  Gamesman Bridge
By Eddie Kantar. You'll find Kantar's classic wit, wisdom and excellent bridge lessons in this reprint of a 1972 title.

  Winning Contract Bridge         Competitive Bidding in Modern Bridge 
By Edgar Kaplan. Two excellent books with timeless advice from one of the game's greatest players and authors. Winning is two complete books in one volume -- a basic course and an advanced section with insights into expert-level strategy and psychology. Competitive Bidding was the first complete treatment of defensive bidding, offering sound, timeless advice that can improve any player's judgment.

  The Bridge Philosopher           Return of the Bridge Philosopher
By James Kauder. "Bridge with a bite" -- a series of bridge problems with logical answers and connected stories, presented with acerbic commentary by the title character. 

Bridge Conventions Complete 
By Amalya Kearse. A comprehensive, 1100-page encyclopedia that covers hundreds of conventions and treatments. It doesn't have information on newer conventions (last printing was in 1990), but it's still a valuable addition to any bridge library.

Sharpen Your Bridge Technique 
By Hugh Kelsey.  Subtitled "How to think like an expert", this is an insightful and well-written discussion of card reading, probabilities, deceptive plays and many other expert techniques, including mental rehearsal, concentration and relaxation.

  Match Point Bridge
By Hugh Kelsey. An excellent introduction to the thought processes and strategies that affect success in matchpoint events. The book also includes expert-level analysis that will benefit players of all skill levels. 

Logical Bridge Play (Master Bridge Series)
By Hugh Kelsey. A new printing of an excellent guide to how experts reason out the best line of play or defense. The book teaches the reader how to make the correct inferences and deductions and how to assess timing issues.

Improve Your Bidding Judgment         The Thin Fine Line         The Right Bid at the Right Time
By Neil Kimelman. A discussion of bridge bidding rules and how to determine when they do and do not apply, especially in competitive auctions.

365 Winning Bridge Tips   
By Danny Kleinman. A collection of simple, common problems that often cause trouble for advancing players. 

Card Play Made Easy: Volume I       Volume II        Volume III      Volume IV
By Ron Klinger and Andrew Kambites. A series with instructional tips and quizzes designed to make you a brilliant declarer. Each volume focuses on a specific declarer-play technique -- safety plays and endplays (Vol. I), playing suit combinations (Vol. II), trump management (Vol. III) and timing and communication (Vol. IV).
Ron Klinger's Master Class Modern Losing Trick Count Improve Your Bridge Memory
The New Complete Book of Bridge Play with the Champions      Better Bridge with a Better Memory
Understanding the Contested Auction    When to Bid, When to Pass Bridge is Fun: Learn & Laugh with Ron Klinger
Understanding the Uncontested Auction Playing to Win at Bridge Conventions, Defenses & Countermeasures
Understanding Slam Bidding The Power of Shape  Ron Klinger Answers Your Bridge Queries
Understanding Duplicate Pairs Improve Your Bidding & Play 100 Winning Bridge Tips 
Practical Slam Bidding Guide to Better Card Play    100 Winning Duplicate Tips 
Cue Bidding to Slams Guide to Better Duplicate Bridge    Bid Better, Much Better After Opening 1NT  

Improve Your Declarer Play at No-Trumps  

Improve Your Opening Leads  

To Win at Bridge: Have you got what it takes?

By Ron Klinger. The Master Bridge Series, written by an Australian who is one of the game's most popular teachers and authors.

Flippers:   Opening Leads

Law of Total Tricks

Five-Card Majors

                   Duplicate Bridge Memory Aids Twenty Great Conventions

                   Modern Losing Trick Count


By Ron Klinger. Supplements to the Master Bridge Series, these "fast-fact" reference guides offer rules, guidelines and lists in a handy, flip-open format. 

Defending Doubled Contracts          Playing Doubled Contracts 
By Ron Klinger. Quiz books of problems from major national and international championships. The stakes are high and in almost every case, you have the chance to do better than the experts did at the table.

50 Great Puzzles on Declarer Play      50 Great Puzzles on Defence   
By Ron Klinger. Quiz deals with detailed explanations of the possible solutions.

The Power of Pass 
By Ron Klinger and Harold Schogger. A discussion of the types of problems where Pass is the winning call. Included are many real-life deals from all levels of competition.

Five to Five Hundred: On the road to becoming a Life Master
By Tim Kohl and Bob Jiobu. The authors cover a wide range of topics that can help novices improve and attain the rank of Life Master. Topics include attitude and mental preparation, partnership issues, recommended agreements and tips on making decisions at the table.

Winning IMPs       Swing Deals
By Rakesh Kumar. Practical tips and a clear, engaging writing style make these good choices for advancing players who want to improve their results in team play. The author emphasizes bold bidding, careful declarer play and "thoughtful" defense.  Swing Deals analyzes more than 100 deals that generated big scoring swings. 

Useful Probability for Bridge Players  
By Julian Laderman. All bridge players need a good understanding of odds and percentages. Laderman has successfully turned this dry subject into an accessible and even entertaining learning experience. The book starts with a simple analysis of bridge maxims and suit splits, then progresses to more complex topics. Included are many real-world examples, plus helpful ideas on how to play the odds when making bidding decisions.

  A Bridge to Inspired Declarer Play 
By Julian Laderman. A thorough discussion of the thought processes declarer uses to plan the play. Named 2009 Book of the Year by the American Bridge Teachers Association.

  The Fun Way to Advanced Bridge
By Harry Lampert. A sequel to The Fun Way to Serious Bridge, this entertaining volume features tips on counting, refining your bidding system and developing advanced declarer skills. Named 1985 Book of the Year by the American Bridge Teachers Association.

Hand of the Week: 52 Bridge Stories 
By Joel Martineau. This title follows the bidding and play (or defense) of a year's worth of weekly hands. The author explains how and why the expert declarers and defenders made their decisions as each hand develops.

Thinking About Bridge 
By Paul Mendelsohn. Subtitled "A thought-based approach to declarer play, defence and bidding judgement", this book focuses on how to stop relying on memorization and develop thinking skills to solve problems.

121 Tips for Better Bridge
By Paul Mendelsohn. A guide for social bridge players who want to refine their skills. It includes solid advice, many example hands and a reader's test.

  All 52 Cards 
By Marshall Miles. A clear discussion of counting, card-reading and other techniques experts use to reconstruct concealed hands at the bridge table.

Victor Mollo's Bridge Quiz Book
By Victor Mollo.  A recently updated collection of some of the late author's best problems for intermediate and advanced players.

Step by Step: Preempts             Step by Step: Slam Bidding
By Alan Mould. Excellent intermediate-level guides for improving your accuracy in two important areas of bidding.

Bridge: Defending Together        Bridge Unravelled  
By Freddie North. Defense and declarer-play problems with a focus on inferences, common themes and partnership defense skills. The explanations include example hands and revision quizzes.

When to Draw Trumps         When to Bid Notrump (and how to play it) 
By Adam Parrish. Instructional books with good advice and many example hands.

The Fall of the Cards
By Donald Parson. A 2002 reprint with 100 provocative bridge hands and a cast of fictional, historical and mythological characters.

Bridge Secrets: Don't Miss A Trick
By Julian Pottage. This pocket-size book features concise, easy-to-understand tips on a wide range of bridge topics -- from devising a bidding system to reading your opponents' cards.

  Play or Defend: 68 Hands to Test Your Bridge Skill         Defend or Declare? 72 Deals to Test Your Bridge Skill  
By Julian Pottage. Unique problem books where you're shown all four hands and asked whether declarer or defenders should prevail with best play. A fascinating challenge for the advancing player. Play or Defend was named 2004 Book of the Year by the International Bridge Press Association.

  A Great Deal Of Bridge Problems
By Julian Pottage. Almost 200 practical and interesting play problems with excellent analyses. 2008 IBPA (International Bridge Press Association) Book of the Year.

The Bridge Player's Bible Defend These Hands With Me   Masterpieces of Defense   
Clues from the Bidding at Bridge    Easy Guide to Defensive Signals   Masterpieces of Declarer Play  

By Julian Pottage. Instruction, examples and quizzes that demonstrate how to bid, play and defend a wide range of hands.

Golden Rules for Competitive Auctions      Golden Rules for Constructive Bidding      Golden Rules for Declarer Play
Golden Rules for Rubber-Bridge Players Golden Rules for Defence      Golden Rules for Opening Leads

By Julian Pottage & Marc Smith. Each chapter features a "golden rule", with good descriptions of how and when to use each technique, how it works, and when the rule should be broken.

Thinking on Defense: The Art of Visualization in Bridge          Matchpoint Defense 
By Jim Priebe.  Instruction and examples on choosing defensive strategies and visualizing declarer's possible hands.
  The Game of Bridge   Play Bridge with Reese     
  Play These Hands With Me              Reese on Play  

By Terence Reese. These classics were out of print for many years, but are now available in attractive new volumes reprinted in 2001 and 2002. All offer valuable instruction and fascinating, often brilliant, analyses for advancing players.

  Breaking the Bridge Rules: First Hand Play
By Barry Rigal. Knowing when to break the guidelines for bidding and play is one of the marks of an expert player. This is the first of a planned four-book series that focuses on situations where you need to do something that seems to go against the old advice, but is the killing lead or play. 

Deceptive Declarer Play         Deceptive Defense 
By Barry Rigal. Subtitled "The Art of Bamboozling at Bridge" -- how to use deceptive carding to take more tricks as declarer and defender.

Plan Before You Play 
By Howard Ringel.  Fifty instructive deals that focus on how an expert analyzes the opening lead and plans the play of the hand.

Things Your Bridge Teacher Won't Tell You
By Dan Romm. The author discusses bridge techniques and some intangibles -- adaptability, psychology, partnership skills -- that are necessary to become a winning bridge player. The emphasis is on when to ignore rules and use your judgment to find the best bid or play. 

5-Card Majors: 2-over-1 and All That 
by Neil Rosen. The British author makes a case for the advantages of the Standard American 2-over-1 bidding system and encourages his countrymen and other Acol System players to make the switch. Includes step-by-step instructions, quizzes and suggestions for adding optional conventions.

  How to Play a Bridge Hand           How to Defend a Bridge Hand
By Bill Root. Two comprehensive guides to every aspect of play and defense, with tips on strategy, technique and psychology. Hundreds of example hands clearly demonstrate the principles. Each was named Bridge Book of the Year (How to Play in 1990; How to Defend in 1994).

  Modern Bridge Conventions
By Bill Root & Richard Pavlicek. Explains many of the major conventions used by modern players in a more readable (but not as comprehensive) format than Kearse's Bridge Conventions Completete. If you're just beginning to add new conventions to your system and want to know which are most valuable, this is an excellent choice.

Combining Your Chances
By Danny Roth. The first in a series of six books on skills and techniques for the play of the hand. 

Don't Be Fooled: Countering Deception at Bridge
By Danny Roth. A discussion of false cards and other deceptive plays by your opponents, the situations where they're most likely to occur and counter-measures you can take to nullify the threat.
  Focus on Declarer Play Pathways to Better Bridge Defense  Step-by-Step Discarding
 Focus on Defence Focus on Bidding  Challenge Your Declarer Play 

  How Good is Your Bridge? 

Beat the Experts at Bridge

Boost Your Bidding to a Higher Level

Test Your Opening Leads Against the Experts  Test Your Play & Defense Against the Experts Test Your Bidding Against the Experts
Declarer Play: Break Out of the Pack Defense: Break Out of the Pack Avoid Bidding Disasters: Win by Steering Clear of Trouble   

By Danny Roth. Valuable books that concentrate on developing your judgment and decision-making skills. Roth explains the most common causes of errors and provides clear, readable explanations of how to recognize the dangerous situations and correct your technique. How Good is Your Bridge? was named 2008 Book of the Year by the American Bridge Teachers Association.

  25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know - 2nd Ed. 

  25 Ways to be a Better Defender

25 Steps to Learning 2-over-1

Pocket Guides:
   Bridge Conventions You Should Know

   Declarer Play at Bridge

25 MORE Conventions You Should Know

25 Ways to Take More Tricks as Declarer

25 Ways to Compete in the Bidding

25 Bridge Myths Exposed

Practice Makes Perfect: 25 Bridge Conventions More Conventions, More Practice 

By Barbara Seagram, David Bird, Marc Smith, Paul Thurston & others. All books in the "25" series offer clear, simple explanations of practical aspects of bidding and play. Each book has good material on the basics and includes tips and ideas for more advanced players. The first edition of 25 Conventions was ABTA's 1999 Book of the Year. 25 Steps was 2003 Book of the Year. The Pocket Guides are condensed versions of the full books.

Stayman Auctions Jacoby 2NT Roman Keycard Blackwood
Jacoby Transfers Four-Suit Transfers Splinter Bids 

Practice Your Slam Bidding (CD)

Practice Your Notrump Bidding (CD)


By Barbara Seagram & Linda Lee. The "Practice Your Bidding" series, featuring simple explanations and many examples for each bidding tool. Each of the CD-ROM versions combine three volumes into one interactive CD.

Planning the Play: The Next Level  
By Barbara Seagram. A sequel to Planning the Play of a Bridge Hand, this new volume focuses on the use of more advanced techniques. It covers safety plays, avoidance plays, trump control situations, dummy reversals and endplays. American Bridge Teachers Association's 2018 Book of the Year.

Barbara's Bridge Tips  
By Barbara Seagram. Advice and examples on bidding, play and defense, summarized from lessons the author has been offering to her students over the last 20 years. Winner of the 2021 Intermediate Book of the Year award from the American Bridge Teachers Association.

   Should I or Shouldn't I?
By Marc Smith. Good instruction on trump management, with an emphasis on the types of deals where you need to delay drawing trumps or take special care when leading the suit. The author gives a step-by-step instructions for how to spot these situations at the table and learn the proper techniques for handling them.   

Attack and Defense: Winning Cardplay at Bridge 
By Marc Smith. A revised and enlarged edition of the author's 2002 book on how to make more hands when declaring and beat more of the opponents' contracts when defending.
  Becoming a Bridge Expert   Better Bridge for the Advancing Player  Frank Stewart's Bridge Club  
 Frank Stewart's World of Bridge   Winning Defense for the Advancing Player  Keys to Winning Bridge 

             Play Bridge With Me: An Over-the-Shoulder Look at Logical Thinking


By Frank Stewart. Highly readable books, each with excellent advice on constructive bidding, logical thinking and card reading. Stewart also offers ideas on developing your "table presence" and understanding other psychological aspects of the game.

Matchpoint Offense: Kick it Up a Notch      Matchpoint Defense: Kick it Up a Notch   
By Stuart Terry, Walter Toombs & Bo Asserson. Two titles that present strategies and techniques designed to help readers improve their performance in pair games.

Winning at the Club 
By Matthew Thompson. Practical advice and examples that focus on the strategies that work best in club-level play. 

Playing 2-over-1: The Rest of the Story 
By Paul Thurston. A sequel to the popular 25 Steps to Learning 2-over-1, this book covers more sophisticated agreements and conventions to enhance a basic 2/1 bidding system. 

Getting Into The Bidding: A Bridge Toolkit
By Bill Treble. Explanations and recommendations of useful conventions and treatments for competitive bidding. The book also provides an overview of the fundamentals of preempting, making overcalls and using various types of doubles. 

The Big Payoff: Slam Bidding at Bridge
By Bill Treble. The author covers many useful agreements and conventions that can improve slam bidding. The book also offers tips for judging slam situations and dealing with competition, plus several quiz hands.

Winning at Matchpoints  
By Bill Treble. An overview of how matchpoint scoring works and strategies that will help you succeed in pair events. The book includes tips on bidding, play and defense and many example deals.

  Winning Declarer Play
By Dorothy Hayden Truscott. Well-written, often humorous, advice for beginners who know the fundamentals and want to reduce their mistakes.

Your Bridge to Conventions      Winning Bridge Conventions
By Patty Tucker. Collections of booklets on popular bidding systems and conventions, including 2/1 Game Force, Weak Two Bids, Jacoby Transfers, Inverted Minors, Good/Bad 2NT, Serious 3NT and many others.

Surviving Duplicate Bridge: The first 23.69 points
By Kathy Vishner. The author shares the highs and lows of learning duplicate bridge with her husband as her partner. She also includes tips on how bridge teachers can help students become more comfortable with the game. 

How NOT to Play Bridge
By Mike Dorn Wiss. A humorous and instructional discussion of how to avoid common errors at the bridge table. The character of Professor Gaston Gitane-Gauloise demonstrates his unique Inverted Bridge Teaching Method, showing you by example what not to do when playing bridge.

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For experienced players

  Better Bidding with Bergen Vol. 1  (Uncontested Auctions)      Vol. 2  (Contested Auctions)
By Marty Bergen. Bergen outlines his personal recommendations for conventions and treatments, many of which are now widely used by tournament players. Read these books with your partner. You'll need to choose your agreements carefully and discuss them at length, but you'll find that many of his gadgets are practical, powerful weapons.

Inspired Cardplay
By David Bird & Martin Hoffman. An exploration of twelve critical areas of declarer play and defense. The authors show how expert plays that appear to be inspired guesses are actually the result of careful logic.

Winning Notrump Leads
By David Bird & Taf Anthias. An unusual look at the common problem of finding the best lead to a notrump contract. The authors analyzed more than 100,000 computer-generated deals and came up with interesting, often surprising, recommendations.

  15 Winning Cardplay Techniques
By David Bird & Tim Bourke. A summary of 15 useful techniques for declarers, with numerous instructional deals to illustrate the variations.

Expert Hand Evaluation 
By Augie Boehm. The author emphasizes "outside-the-box" thinking to develop judgment, solve bidding problems and evaluate borderline hands.

  The Art of Declarer Play
By Tim Bourke. A unique look at how experts think through the play of a bridge hand. The chapters and examples explain how to anticipate the likely distribution, use logic and visualization, "listen" to the cards and other ways to make what appear to be mpossible contracts. Named 2014 Book of the Year by the International Bridge Press Association.

Bridge at the Edge 
By Boye Brogeland. An "over-the-shoulder" look at almost 200 deals the author played in World and European Championships. Brogeland also discusses his partnership bidding methods and his approach to the mental side of the game.

  Complete Book of Bols Bridge Tips 
By Sally Brock (editor). This special gift edition features winning articles from the annual Bols Bridge Tips contest. The practical, insightful advice comes from almost 100 of the best bridge writers in the world.

100 Bridge Problems: Using Poker Tactics in Contract Bridge 
By Mike Cappelletti Sr. An interesting set of bridge problems that are solved by the author's unique approach to planning the auction, judging his opponents and using deceptive bidding. The late author was a poker columnist for Card Player magazine.

  To Bid or not to Bid: The Law of Total Tricks          Following the Law
By Larry Cohen. Named 1992 Bridge Book of the Year, the first title is so widely read that it revolutionized modern competitive bidding. It contains many advanced topics and analyses, but the basic principles can be easily understood and used by intermediate-level players. The sequel clarifies and reinforces some of the most important principles of "Law" bidding.

Larry Cohen's Bidding Challenge 
By Larry Cohen. Bidding problems and expert analysis of hands played at the prestigious invitational tournament at The Hague. An optional tear-out section at the back can be used by partners who want to practice bidding the hands before reading Cohen's analysis.

The Losing Trick Count: A Book of Bridge Technique 
By Dudley Courtenay. Originally published in 1935, this is a detailed manual of technique "as used by the leading contract bridge tournament players". The chapters offer numerous examples of expert bidding and play, with an interesting selection of hands from tournaments.

Optimal Hand Evaluation  
By Patrick Darricades. The author offers research to demonstrate the flaws of the 4-3-2-1 honor point count. He proposes a new evaluation method that assesses the combined value of both partners' hands. The discussion includes more than 100 example hands.

A Compendium of Double Dummy Problems 
By Hugh Darwen. A collection of 1000 double-dummy problems, originally published from 1896 to 2005.

Santa Fe Precision
By Dennis Dawson. A simplified version of the big-club system played by Jeff Meckstroth and Eric Rodwell.

  You Have to See This         There Must Be A Way
By Andrew Diosy. Two very challenging collections, each with 52 diabolical play and defense problems where the "obvious" answer is usually wrong. Diosy analyzes each deal from declarer's and defenders' perspectives, with a trick-by-trick description of how each side can counter the other's strategies. 

  Partnership Agreements
By Clarke Fairbrother. A guidebook that's designed to take a partnership through the process of developing a bidding a system.  It covers conventions, treatments and system agreements in detail both  Standard American and 2-over-1 systems in detail, along with many conventions. The included Partnership Agreements Checklist offers an organized outline for discussing agreements and conventions. 

Card Pro Bridge Bidding System 
By Ron Feldman. A new bidding system designed to improve on natural systems that use "convenient minor" openings. Suit opening bids show unbalanced hands with 5+-card suits or three 4-card suits. The author also assigns new meanings to opener's rebids and notrump opening bids.

Bridge with the Blue Team
By Pietro Forquet. A collection of 140 of the most spectacular hands played by the legendary Italian Blue Team. The book also includes a summary of the Italian bidding systems and accounts of Blue Team triumphs world championships.  

Master Class: Lessons from the Bridge Table   
By Fred Gitelman. This is the first book from the world-class player who developed the popular Internet bridge club Bridge Base Online. The over-the-shoulder format offers insights into the author's thinking on dozens of hands from actual play. There's also a focus on bridge personalities, and the author includes many interesting observations about his partners and opponents. 

  Battling the Best: My Journey Through the 2014 Reisinger
By Sartaj Hans. Expert-level account of the author's experiences in one of the toughest of all ACBL team events. The detailed hand analyses focus on technique, psychology and strategies for playing in board-a-match events. Named 2017 Book of the Year by the International Bridge Press Association.

Standard Bridge Bidding for the 21st Century       Advanced Bridge Bidding for the 21st Century 
By Max Hardy. A reference set for the 5-card-major system, with a thorough discussion of modern bidding trends and expert treatments, plus some new ideas.

Better Signaling Now 
By Mark Horton. This text discusses the modern options for defensive signaling and helps you construct a system that suits your partnership style. Based on a previous book by the same author, this revised edition incorporates new ideas from experts Tim Bourke and Sandra Landy.

The Bridge Magicians: Spellbinding Plays from the Polish Stars   
By Mark Horton & Radoslaw Kielbasinski. Many bridge hands and analysis, along with personal insights into the group of Polish experts who have had incredible international successes over the past ten years.

The Mysterious Multi: How to Play It, How to Play Against It   
By Mark Horton. Everything you would ever want to know about the Multi 2D convention, which is used to describe a weak two-bid in an undisclosed major. 

  Card by Card: Adventures at the Bridge Table        Further Adventures at the Bridge Table  
By Roy Hughes. Many interesting and challenging hands, where you watch an expert declare and defend, with opportunities to make your own decisions at critical points in the play.

 The Contested Auction  
By Roy Hughes. A thorough, expert-level discussion of every type of competitive auction, with recommendations for useful conventions and agreements. Winner of the 2012 Book of the Year Award from the International Bridge Press Association.

  Building a Bidding System 
By Roy Hughes. A detailed discussion of bidding theory and the principles that govern the design of an effective system. The author offers creative ideas and clear explanations of concepts that have not been covered extensively in other books. Runner-up for the Bridge Book of the Year award from the International Bridge Press Association. 

  Card Reading: The Art of Guessing Right at the Bridge Table 
By Eric Jannersten. An excellent guide to gathering clues from the bidding and drawing inferences from the play, with a good selection of challenging problems. Also recommended is Jannersten's Play It Safe - And Win, which offers good advice on how to play fairly difficult hands.

Polish Club 2020: Standard and Expert 
By Krzysztof Jassem. Full details on the latest version of the Polish Club bidding system.

 Moments of Truth at the Bridge Table         Logic, Intuition and Instinct at the Bridge Table   
  Serendipity in Bridge: Two-Brain Bridge 

By R. Jayaram. Three volumes that offer insights into expert thought processes as you play example deals from major tournaments held in India. Written in a conversational style, the books stress logical and creative thinking and offer some unique ideas about the value of using "gut feelings" to make decisions.

Imagination and Technique at the Bridge Table  
By Patrick Jourdain & Martin Hoffman. Difficult defensive problems with unexpected twists. The problems and analyses demonstrate how to assess the situation, picture the unseen hands and decide if an unusual or psychological solution is needed.

Patrick Jourdain's Problem Corner 
By Patrick Jourdain. A collection of challenging declarer-play problems from the author's regular column in BRIDGE Magazine in the UK.

  Roman Keycard Blackwood: The Final Word 
By Eddie Kantar.  The fifth edition of the definitive book on the convention used by almost all serious players. Revised and updated, this new version contains leading-edge ideas and is full of examples, quizzes and practice hands. A must for the tournament player.

  Bridge Master: The Best of Edgar Kaplan  
By Edgar Kaplan. A "greatest hits" collection of Kaplan's articles from Bridge World magazine, published after his death in 2004.

  The Art of Card Reading at Bridge            Bridge Strategy at Trick One

By Fred Karpin. Two classics, with thorough analyses of the principles and excellent example deals.

  Kelsey on Squeeze Play
By Hugh Kelsey. All four of Kelsey's squeeze-play books -- Simple Squeezes, Strip Squeezes,  Double Squeezes and Triple Squeezes -- unabridged, in one valuable volume.

Bridge for the Connoisseur        
By Hugh Kelsey. Analysis of 58 interesting and instructional deals, many featuring blunders and brilliancies from international tournaments.

  The Notrump Zone
By Danny Kleinman. A good discussion of the principles and concepts that apply to notrump auctions, with many challenging concepts and system recommendations. The author covers all 1NT ranges and offers excellent discussions of how they affect your other system bids.

 A Bridge to Simple Squeezes       Still Not Finding Squeezes?
By Julian Laderman. An award-winning instructional book and its sequel offer how-to's for executing various types of squeeze plays as declarer.

Good, Better, Best   (Advanced to expert)
By Jan Eric Larsson. What's the best bidding system? The author attempts to answer that question with mathematical analysis, computer simulations and artificial intelligence to compare bidding systems and conventions.

  Bridge Probability and Information        Never a Dull Deal: Faith, Hope and Probability in Bridge
By Robert MacKinnon. Practical mathematics for bridge players, featuring the principles of probability and how to apply them at the table. The two volumes include discussions of vacant spaces, restricted choice, conditional probability and how divisions of one suit affect the odds of other suit divisions.

  The Setting Trick: Practical Problems in Bridge Defense   
By Ian McCance. A book of problems in defensive cardplay by a top Australian expert. The deals come from real events, providing the reader the unique experience of being up against a declarer who will not always play perfectly.

Interesting Deals, Fascinating Facts  
By Trevor Mathews. A collection of deals that pose challenging problems in card play. Presented as quizzes, all the deals were played by the author and his partners and have stories behind them.

Win the Bermuda Bowl with Me  
By Jeff Meckstroth & Marc Smith. A fascinating look into expert thinking as one of the world's best players competes in the Bermuda Bowl world team championship. The format gives readers the opportunity to make their own decisions at critical stages in each deal and compare their solutions with what the author did at the table.

  Inferences at Bridge 
By Marshall Miles. The author shows how to collect vital clues from the bidding and play to make logical conclusions about the unseen hands. He includes many common situations where even advanced players will often miss the correct inferences. Remembering just one or two of the ideas explained here will improve any player's results.

  Competitive Bidding in the 21st Century              

 It's Your Call 

 My System: The Unbalanced Diamond  

  Modern Constructive Bidding

More Accurate Bidding              


By Marshall Miles. Designed for serious tournament players, these books offer interesting analyses of bidding decisions and approaches. Miles discusses current thinking, poses original ideas and recommends methods that will be successful over the long term.

Bridge: Case for the Defence
By Victor Mollo.  A reprinted instructional book, with excellent analysis of many difficult defensive problems.

  Card Play Technique: Or the Art of Being Lucky 
By Victor Mollo & Nico Gardner. A 2003 reprint of a previously hard-to-find classic that's considered by many to be the best book ever written on card play.

  Easier Done than Said: Brilliancy at the Bridge Table
By Prakash Paranjape. A collection of brilliant plays from real life, with well-written explanations of the logic behind each decision. The problems range from "technically simple" to extremely complex, with a focus on plays that are difficult to find, but easy to execute.

Hocus Pocus          More Hocus Pocus         Focus on Hocus Pocus     
By Julian Pottage & Erwin Brecher. Challenging bridge problems, math brain teasers and logic puzzles.

Back Through the Pack
By Julian Pottage. An homage to Right Through the Pack, one of the most popular and successful bridge books of all time. The author uses the same theme as Darvas did in the original, where all 52 members of the deck of cards tell their stories.

  The Mistakes You Make at Bridge 
By Terence Reese & Roger Trezel. This is an update of a classic that offers an illuminating look at the three types of mistakes -- costly, common and forgivable -- made by bidders, defenders and declarers. The new edition was updated by Ron Klinger to include more modern bidding theories.

Positive Declarer Play at Bridge         Positive Defense at Bridge         The Extra Edge in Play at Bridge   
By Terence Reese & Julian Pottage. Expanded and updated versions of Reese's originals, these books focus on planning the play and finding an advantage. Each book presents a wide range of problems, many of them quite difficult. 

  Accurate Cardplay        Imaginative Cardplay
By Terrence Reese and Roger Trezel. Edited and updated by Mark Horton, these two volumes are a compilation of eight highly rated booklets that have long been out of print.
Accurate Cardplay includes these titles from the original series: Safety Plays in Bridge, Blocking and Unblocking Plays in Bridge, Elimination Play in Bridge, and When to Duck and When to Win in Bridge.
Imaginative Cardplay includes Master the Odds in Bridge, Snares and Swindles in Bridge, Those Extra Chances in Bridge and The Art of Defense in Bridge.

Defend with your Life   
By Terence Reese & Eddie Kantar. A classic and very challenging quiz book. Kantar says anyone who correctly solves at least 60 percent of the 75 problems has the right to consider himself an expert defender.

  The Most Puzzling Situations in Bridge Play          Squeeze Play Made Easy  
By Terence Reese. Excellent instruction on the techniques needed to handle common but difficult problems in the play. Reese groups the problems by theme so you can study different variations of the same situation.

New Frontiers for Strong Forcing Openings
By Ken Rexford. A new approach for bidding strong hands, featuring two forcing opening bids (2C and 2D) to describe distribution early in the auction. The author discusses how to use cuebids, relays and pattern bids to reach the best contracts.

Really Unusual Notrump      Overcalling Opponent's 1NT   
By Ken Rexford. The first title describes an aggressive two-way overcall structure that uses an artificial 1NT to show a light takeout. The second title discusses the author's complex system for showing a wide range of hands over the opponent's 1NT opener.

 The Rodwell Files  
By Eric Rodwell. A technical analysis of innovative ideas in card play for declarers and defenders. The author also discusses common mistakes and how to mentally prepare for competition.

  Bidding Topics
By Eric Rodwell. An in-depth discussion of agreements that can improve constructive and competitive bidding. The nine chapters each start with the basics and progress to expert agreements. Included are full details on two conventions invented by the author -- Support Doubles and Serious 3NT. Named 2017 Advanced Book of the Year by the American Bridge Teachers Association.

The Bridge World's Test Your Play
By Jeff Rubens. This "workout for the mind" is an extremely challenging collection of 100 of the author's favorite hands from the magazine's popular column. 

Test your Play as Declarer Vol. 1  &  Vol. 2       
By Jeff Rubens & Paul Lukacs. Two internationalists teach you how to analyze and play out a wide range of difficult hands. Updated and reprinted in 2003.

Playing with the Bridge Legends 
By Barnet Shenkin.  The author puts you at the table with Meckstroth-Rodwell, Martel-Stansby, Garozzo-Belladonna and many more of the world's top pairs. The chapters feature lots of hands and analysis, with detailed personal insights into the players' successes (and disasters).

Probabilities & Alternatives in Bridge   
By Antonio Vivaldi & Gianni Barracho. A thorough overview of when and how to calculate odds and percentages at the table, with an interesting focus on situations where you should instead rely on imagination, deduction and inference.

The Amazing Queen
By Clement Wong. An entertaining collection of 100 deals where queens are featured in bidding, play and defense problems. 

  Partnership Defense  
By Kit Woolsey. The author provides a good overview of basic signaling strategies, but adds an expert spin with excellent discussions of more sophisticated methods. They include masking the defenders' communication, deceptive signaling and new ideas for suit-preference signals.

The Language of Bridge
By Kit Woolsey. This is an interesting and sophisticated discussion of communication at the bridge table. Woolsey offers valuable insights about how to make better use of the limited vocabulary of bridge bidding and improve the messages we send with bids and the play of the cards. He includes numerous example hands and clear, logical analysis. Named 2018 Book of the Year by the International Bridge Press Association.

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By Mike Lawrence

Lawrence, one of the most popular authors today, has a unique, "table-side" writing style that appeals to almost every reader. Most of these titles are aimed at intermediates, but all contain material that can benefit players of any skill or experience level. Every title here is a

Play Bridge with Mike Lawrence -- Perhaps my all-time favorite bridge book, this hand-by-hand account of a tournament session shows you how an expert thinks and how to develop that elusive quality called "table feel".

Play a Swiss Teams with Mike Lawrence -- Good tips and insights into the thinking processes, strategies and techniques the author uses in a team-of-four event.

Judgment at Bridge -- Subtitled "What Went Wrong", this is an easy-to-understand discussion of many neglected areas of bidding and defense, with good recommendations on how to avoid common mistakes.

Judgment at Bridge 2: Be a Better Player and More Difficult Opponent -- The original Judgment at Bridge, now a classic, is the basis for this 232-page volume, which includes new material that deals with modern bidding. Lawrence also offers opinions on conventions you should consider adding and those that should be removed from your system. It's all written in the straightforward, conversational style that has made Lawrence one of the most popular of all bridge authors. Winner of the 2018 Book of the Year Award from the American Bridge Teachers Association.

Insights in Bridge: Moments in Bidding        Insights in Bridge: Bid, Play & Defend (Book 2)  
By Mike Lawrence. The first in a series of books designed to turn aspiring players into good players. This book's mini-lessons feature situations and problems that haven't been covered in other books. Even experienced players will find valuable advice here. Winner of the 2019 ABTA Advanced Book of the Year award.

Mike Lawrence's Opening Leads -- An outstanding and quite complex discussion of how to analyze the auction, evaluate alternatives and choose the best suit and card for your opening lead. Copies are available from the author's web site.

How to Read Your Opponents' Cards  -- A classic with valuable tips for all bridge players and interesting insights into how experts read subtle clues and signals at the table.

Complete Book on Hand Evaluation -- One of the best books ever written on this subject, with good advice on everything from basic counting to expert-level inferences.

The Complete Book on Overcalls in Contract Bridge (updated 2009 edition) -- A classic must-read for anyone who wants to improve competitive bidding.

The Complete Book on Balancing (updated 2012 edition) -- Comprehensive advice on how and when to keep the bidding open, including details on helpful conventions and expert treatments.

The Complete Guide to Passed Hand Bidding  (2011 edition) -- Originally published in 2989, this book focuses on how to evaluate your hand, make competitive decisions and use conventions to improve your passed-hand auctions. Also available in a recently updated Kindle version.

Complete Guide to Contested Auctions -- An interesting, easy-to-follow explanation of the judgment and weapons you need to win in competitive auctions.

The Complete Book on Takeout Doubles (updated 2012 edition) -- This may sound like a topic for beginners, but even the most experienced players will find valuable ideas here. Lawrence covers all the tools and evaluation skills you need to improve your takeout-double auctions, with many expert tips. An update of the 1995 Bridge Book of the Year.

Double!  New Meanings for an Old Bid -- Expert-level agreements and gadgets that will improve your competitive bidding. 

Dynamic Defense -- A look at how experts think when defending a hand, with advice that even beginners can use successfully.

Falsecards  -- A thorough examination of the many ways you can legally mislead your opponents with falsecards as a defender or declarer. This is a revised and updated version of the definitive work on this topic.

I Fought the Law of Total Tricks -- Lawrence and co-author Anders Wigren offer evidence and examples that take issue with the theory of The Law of Total Tricks. Very interesting reading for advanced players.

Bidding Quizzes I: The Uncontested Auction -- Many examples and quizzes to teach you how to improve the accuracy of your constructive bidding.

How to Play Card Combinations -- Teaches you how to play the odds, spot problems and take more tricks as declarer or defender.

Partnership Understandings -- A workbook for use in partnership discussions, with questions (and answers) on all key aspects of your bidding system.

Workbook on the Two-Over-One System -- A great practice book for pairs who want to refine their methods with this popular bidding system.

Bridge Tips Series:  Bidding   Competitive Bidding   Cardplay  -- Revised, updated compilations of the author's previously published pamphlets on bidding and card play.

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General interest for all skill levels

If I Only Had a Heart      Bridge Over the Rainbow     Double, Double Toil and Trouble
By Alex Adamson & Harry Smith. Humorous stories featuring the adventures of Dorothy, the Tin Man and other characters at the fictional Over the Rainbow bridge club in Oz. Accompanying the bridge hands and stories are many illustrations by Bill Buttle.

 Scotland's Senior Moment
By Alex Adamson & Harry Smith. A unique, behind-the-scenes account of the authors' experiences in the World Senior Team Championships in Bali.   

Deadly Endplay          Shades of Gray (Pemberton Bridge Club Mystery)
By Ken Allan. Bridge novels featuring murder, cheating and other crimes, set at a duplicate club in a small town in rural Ontario.

   I Love This Game 
By Sabine Auken. An entertaining personal account of the German team's comeback in the 2001 Venice Cup. Focusing on the final 16 deals, the author describes the hands in detail and offers an instructional discussion of bidding and carding methods, conventions and how to develop team chemistry. Named 2006 Book of the Year by the International Bridge Press Association.

  Vulnerable in Hearts  
By Sandy Balfour.  Subtitled "A Memoir of Fathers, Sons and Contract Bridge", this hardcover is a touching and humorous history of the author's family and the game of bridge in pre-WWII Scotland, England and South Africa.

Famous Play Decisions

Famous Leads & Defenses   

Famous Bridge Disasters

Famous Hands from Famous Matches

Famous Bridge Records

Famous Bidding Decisions

By David Bird. Part history and part instruction, these books feature spectacular feats (and blunders) of top players from around the world. The deals are presented as quizzes so you can test your skill against the experts.

Bridge Hands to Make You Laugh and Cry 
By David Bird & Nikos Sarantakos. Funny and heartbreaking stories of bad luck and disasters at the bridge table, with a good discussion of how to avoid the calamities suffered by others.

Miracles of Card Play  

Doubled & Venerable 

Saints and Sinners

The Abbot's Great Sacrifice

Divine Intervention

Unholy Tricks

The Abbot & the Sensational Squeeze

The Abbot, the Witchdoctor & the Disastrous Double

Celestial Cardplay 

The Abbot, the Parrot & the Bermuda Bowl The Abbot's Return to Earth  

  By David Bird & Tim Bourke. The celebrated series about the bridge-playing monks of St. Titus. The stories are highly entertaining, with many well-chosen and instructive hands. Considered by many to be Bird's best series.

Bachelor Bridge     Bachelor Bridge (2020 revision) Beaten by the Masters Bridge Adventures of Robin Hood

All Hands on Deck

Rabbi's Magic Trick

Robin Hood's Bridge Memoirs 

Bridge Over Troubled Waters

Kosher Bridge

Arrow Through the Heart

Somehow, We Landed in 6NT The Headmaster, the Matron & the Scissors Coup   Robin Hood's Hold-up 

By David Bird. More titles from this prolific author, who combines bridge and humor. All feature eccentric characters who find themselves playing challenging and fascinating bridge hands in unusual settings.

Masterpiece Deals: A Gallery of Beautiful Card Play   
By Augie Boehm. A collection of deals featuring masterful and sometimes very unusual lines of play, with explanations of expert reasoning.

Big Deal: A Memoir from the Wonderful World of Bridge  
By August Boehm. Entertaining stories about the author's experiences as an expert bridge player. The tales feature colorful characters, bridge-playing celebrities and interesting playing venues -- from high-level tournaments and cruises to seedy money clubs and prisons.

Out of Hand and Off the Fairway 
By Bill Buttle. A volume of one-panel cartoons that lampoon bridge, bridge players and golfers.

Sleeping on the Couch 
By Dave Caprera. Dave and his wife are bridge partners who often disagree about the best bid or play on a deal. The author offers detailed analyses of the different solutions, but, as the title suggests, usually loses the arguments.

Bridge with Another Perfect Partner  
By John Carruthers. An homage to the P. F. Sanders classic "Bridge with the Perfect Partner". It features witty analysis of many entertaining deals.

  Bridge Crosswords        Bridge Crosswords 2
By Jeff Chen.  One of the nation's top crossword constructors is also a bridge player, and he combines his talents in puzzles with clever clues and entertaining themes. Each book has 52 bridge-themed puzzles that range from easy to challenging.

Bridge Below the Belt
By Larry Cohen and Liz Davis. A bridge novel set at a Miami bridge club, with egocentric pros and eccentric clients as the main characters.

My Favorite 52 
By Larry Cohen and Linda Lee. Fifty-two bridge hands that are amusing, instructional and sometimes spectacular. They were originally presented in Cohen's CD-ROM software with the same title. 

  Cook and Deal
By Dorothy Cook. A unique gift that's a combination of a cookbook (the recipes are great) and a selection of interesting and challenging bridge hands.

Death in Duplicate
By Carole Coplea. A mysterious illness strikes the members of the faculty duplicate club at a small college. The local detective suspects murder, and all the players are suspects.

Standard Bidding with SAYC  
By Ned Downey & Ellen Pomer. A thorough, well-organized discussion on how to play "Standard American Yellow Card", the popular bidding system used by players in online clubs. 

The 8 of Clubs Was Good? Food for the Bridge Player's Soul  
By Elizabeth Flynn. A chronicle of a new bridge player's struggles to learn the game and her experiences at her local club. Also included are recipes for dishes to share with other players.

Bridge Player's Bedside Book
By Tony Forrester. An entertaining collection of  stories, tips, quizzes, jokes, bridge trivia and famous hands, including classics from some of the game's greatest writers. Designed by the author to be a "jolly good read", this hardcover edition makes a nice gift for players of all skill levels.

Gaining the Mental Edge at Bridge  
By Kim Frazer. An Olympian shares the mental techniques that brought her success and can be used at the bridge table. Included are practical ways to maintain focus and concentration, calm nerves, deal with distractions and avoid mental errors.

Murder at the Bridge Table        The Bridge Team Murders         I Shot My Bridge Partner
By Matt Granovetter. Bridge murder mysteries featuring interesting characters and a good selection of well-analyzed bridge hands.

Ace on the River: An Advanced Poker Guide  
By Barry Greenstein. This isn't a bridge book, and it's much more than a poker book. The author, who is a bridge player, offers an interesting discussion of attitudes, strategies and psychology that can be applied to any competitive endeavor.

  At the Table
By Bob Hamman & Brent Manley. A fascinating look at the life and bridge career of the world's top-rated player, Hamman's autobiography offers insights that will help you improve your game. Right after I read it, I started thinking differently about my overall strategy -- and discovered that I was bouncing back better from my bad results.

On the Slam        The Unkindest Cut: A Bridge Club Mystery 
By Honor Hartman. Set in the Texas Hill Country, these novels feature sleuth Emma Diamond and a full cast of bridge-playing victims and suspects.

Over Hoffman's Shoulder: A Year in the Life of a Bridge Pro 
By Martin Hoffman and Marc Smith. Once one of the world's best pairs players, Hoffman was known for his imaginative bidding and brilliant cardplay. In this book, he relives some of his most spectacular deals and shares his thought process at every bid and trick.

Bridge Mix: Chocolate Covered Contracts and Plenty of Nuts  
By Paul Holtham. A series of humorous, fast-paced short stories featuring many interesting bridge deals. The story settings include a bridge tournament, ancient Egypt and outer space. 

  Close Encounters: Bridge's Greatest Matches (1964-2001)  (2003-2017)
By Mark Horton and Eric Kokish. Two volumes that feature memorable matches for national and world titles. They include accounts of critical deals in close matches, comebacks and overtime victories, along with insights into how the game has changed over the years.

The Blue Team in the History of Bridge 
By Marc Horton and Maurizio Di Sacco. A behind-the-scenes look at the Italian team that dominated world championships for fifteen years. The story is told through the translated diaries of the team founder and captain, Carl Alberto Perroux

The Hands of Time: The most exciting bridge deals ever played  
By Mark Horton. A collection of brilliance and blunders from famous matches played from 1931 to 2004.

 Canada's Bridge Warriors 
By Roy Hughes. This is the fascinating account of the three-decades-long partnership of Eric Murray and Sami Kehela, one of the best pairs in the world. The book tells the story of their  triumphs and heartbreaks, highlighted by their legendary battles against the Italians in the world championships. Named 2007 Book of the Year by the International Bridge Press Association.

Master of Bridge Psychology: Inside the Remarkable Mind of Peter Fredin  
By Jeppe Juhl. An entertaining biography of Swedish champion Peter Fredin, featuring memorable deals from international tournaments. Named 2019 Book of the Year by the International Bridge Press Association.

Classic Kantar: A Collection of Bridge Humor          Kantar on Kontract  
By Eddie Kantar.  Kantar is not only one of today's best bridge writers, he's also one of the funniest. In this collection, he pokes fun at experts, confesses his disasters at the table, tells stories from his famous home bridge game, and recounts his misadventures as a world traveler. These will entertain players of all skill levels.

The Jack Who Would Be King   
By Jim Kaplan. Subtitled "To Life Master and beyond", this is an account of the author's quest to make Life Master. His travels take him to five continents for play with many colorful partners.

   The Bridge Philosopher          Return of the Bridge Philosopher  
By James Kauder. Two volumes featuring a curmudgeonly title character and funny, instructional stories on a wide range of bridge topics, from gripes about ACBL to how to think like a bridge expert.  

  Play it Again, Slam Farewell My Dummy Contract Killers
  The King's Tales The New King's Tales Your Deal, Mr. Bond
  The Hog in the 21st Century

By Phillip & Robert King. The first six titles are novellas that combine fiction, witty satire and first-rate bridge hands. The last title is a new collection of Menagerie bridge adventures based on Mollo's characters. All very entertaining.

 Right Through the Pack Again 
By Ron Klinger. An homage to the classic by Robert Darvas, with 52 clever stories, one from each card in the deck. Named 2009 Book of the Year by the International Bridge Press Association.

  The Principle of Restricted Talent           Persistent Human Bridge Errors 
By Danny Kleinman & Nick Straguzzi. A collection of clever stories about the exploits of Chthonic, a fictional bridge computer. The Principle of Restricted Talent was named 2005 Book of the Year by the International Bridge Press Association.

 Bumblepuppy Days: The Evolution from Whist to Bridge  
By Julian Laderman. An interesting exploration of the origins of the world's most popular card game. The author traces the history of whist, auction bridge and contract bridge with a focus on the fascinating characters who played the games. 

Northern Lights  
Ray and Linda Lee, editors. A compilation of bridge humor, puzzles, people stories and features originally published in Canadian Masterpoint magazine.

Grand Slam Murders    Playing the Devil  
By R. J. Lee. Two mysteries featuring reporter/bridge player Wendy Winchester investigating murders at bridge clubs in Rosalie, Mississippi.

  Encyclopedia of Card Play Techniques 
By Guy Leve. Originally published in France in 2005, this comprehensive volume describes and classifies hundreds of card-play tactics, from simple finesses to complex squeezes. Each technique is explained in detail and illustrated with an example deal.

Richelieu Plays Bridge          Samurai Bridge
By Robert MacKinnon. Unusual bridge novels with historical settings. The well-written narratives offer compelling characters, clever plotting and many excellent bridge hands. 

Bridge My Way         Around the World in 80 Hands
By Zia Mahmood. Entertaining (some find them overbearing) exploits of one of the world's most flamboyant bridge players.

  The Backwash Squeeze and Other Improbable Feats 
By Edward McPherson. "A newcomer's journey into the world of bridge", this entertaining book chronicles the author's learning process and his experiences at his first tournaments. It includes interesting interviews and anecdotes, bridge history and an overview of bridge rules.

  Bridge in the Menagerie

Winning Bridge in the Menagerie   

Murder in the Menagerie

  Bridge in the Fourth Dimension

Bridge in the Fifth Dimension  

Destiny at Bay: More Magic   

  You Need Never Lose at Bridge 

Victor Mollo's Bridge Club  

The Hog Takes to Precision

 Last Call in the Menagerie     

By Victor Mollo.  Highly entertaining and very clever stories about the bridge adventures of the Hideous Hog and the eccentric characters of the Griffins Club.  Every title matches the quality, humor and energy of the original.

King of Hearts         Death Takes A Hand         Grand Slam          Doubled in Spades
By Susan Moody. Something different for mystery lovers, these cleverly plotted, entertaining British mysteries feature the exploits of "circumferentially challenged" bridge instructor Cassandra Swann. King of Hearts is also available in hardback. Most are out of print, but you can find used copies on Amazon.

Bridge at the Cranmer Club 
By Adam Parrish. An entertaining account of a night at the local bridge club. Includes many instructional hands.

  The Devil's Tickets: A Night of Bridge, a Fatal Hand, and a New American Age 
By Gary Pomerantz. A thoroughly researched account of the 1929 murder of John Bennett, who was shot by his wife, Myrtle, after he mangled the play of a 4S contract. The story includes many anecdotes and an ensemble of 1920s characters, including Ely Culbertson and Fightin' Jim Reed, the U.S. senator from Kansas City who successfully defended Myrtle at trial.

Bridge Behind Bars 
By Julian Pottage. A bridge novel set in a prison, with unusual characters and many interesting deals.

  Tickets to the Devil
By Richard Powell. Published in 1968, this is one of the first -- and funniest -- bridge novels. The story offers clever humor, sexual liaisons, bridge hands and even new bridge systems ("I play the Hoffmeister Notrump") as it follows quirky characters at a national tournament. Out of print, but used copies are available.

Death by Contract         Clubbed to Death
By Shirley Presberg. Fast-paced murder mysteries set at bridge tournaments and featuring plenty of bridge action.

Takeout Double: A Bridge Mystery          Double Elimination: A Bridge Mystery 
By Jim Priebe. Intriguing mystery novels featuring bridge-playing detective Art Fraser, who finds that bridge is intrinsic in solving the cases.

Bridge at the Top: Behind the Screens 
By Samantha Punch. Interviews with some of the leading experts and most intriguing personalities in the bridge world. They share their views of what it takes to become a top player and each offers his or her favorite bridge tip.

Killer Lead: A Duplicate Bridge Club Mystery  
By Bill & Sheryl Riley. A murder mystery set in the small town of Alpine, Alabama, where all the suspects play bridge.

  The Cardturner 
By Louis Sachar. An entertaining novel about a teenager's relationship with his uncle and his discovery of the world's greatest game. There are plenty of bridge tips and deals here and a story featuring humor, romance and mystery.

Entertaining Bridge: Social Bridge at Home 
By Caroline Salt. The focus is on party bridge with minimum conventions. Includes recipes for bridge parties.

Bridge Mix: the Bridge cartoons of Charles M. Schulz 
By Charles M. Schulz. A compilation of the late cartoonist's bridge-themed cartoons, many featuring Snoopy and other Peanuts characters.

For Love or Money: The Life of a Bridge Journalist 
By Brian Senior, Mark Horton & Omar Sharif. Two of the world's top bridge journalists take you behind the scenes on the international bridge circuit. The book is packed with fascinating character studies, great stories, humor and lots of hands.

   Tales Out of School    A Study in Silver    The Naked Bridge Player and other stories
   Bridge, The Silver Way  The Canterbury Bridge Tales  

By David Silver. Five gems packed with challenging hands and witty satire. The bridge deals are fascinating and unusual, but the emphasis here is on humor, and Silver is a master at telling a funny story.

World Class: Conversations with the Bridge Masters
By Marc Smith.  Fascinating interviews with 26 of the world's top players. The interviews feature personal background on how they started their careers, their best and worst bridge memories, their views on the future of our game, and lots of their favorite hands. You'll find ideas here to help you improve your game.

Enterprising Bridge Tales: The Original Stories        Enterprising Bridge Tales: The Next Generation
By Marc Smith.  Bridge hands and stories set in the 24th century. The Star Trek theme features Captain Quirk and First Officer Sprock as their team competes in a universe-wide championship.

The Bridge Bum  
By Alan Sontag. A reissued version of the author's 1977 book about his life as a bridge professional. It has a light-hearted (sometimes hyper) style, funny stories and interesting insights about how to play your best.

How to Play Bridge with Your Spouse (and survive) 
By Roselyn Teukulsky.  This updated and expanded version of the author's original title offers a humorous look at the challenges of playing bridge with a wife, husband or Significant Other. It includes many entertaining, well-analyzed hands.

Bridge at the Breakfast Table
By Paul Thurston. A collection of bridge columns originally published in Canada's National Post newspaper.

The Great Bridge Scandal  by Alan & Dorothy Truscott           Story of an Accusation  by Terence Reese
Reprints of two books that present both sides of the "Bridge Scandal of the Century" from the Buenos Aires world championships.

 The New York Times Bridge Book
By Alan & Dorothy Truscott. This hardcover, subtitled "An Anecdotal History of the Development, Personalities and Strategies of the World's Most Popular Card Game", makes a great gift for any bridge player. It's a unique collection of stories, trivia, gossip and famous hands that show how our game has developed over the past 75+ years.

 North of the Master Solvers Club 
By Frank Vine. A collection of the late author's witty essays, articles and short stories, most originally published in The Bridge World magazine in the 1980s. Named 2009 Book of the Year by the International Bridge Press Association.

Webster's Bridge  
By H. T. Webster and William Johnston. Long out of print, this new paperback is a collection of Webster's clever and insightful bridge cartoons, originally published in the New York Herald Tribune from 1932-45. They're accompanied by humorous articles by Johnston, who offers “unsolicited advice on how not to play bridge.”

 Under the Table: The Case Against the Blue Team
By Avon Wilsmore. An investigation into the decades-long charges of cheating leveled against the Italian Blue Team. The writer analyzes the controversial hands and explains how the cheating was finally exposed in 2015.  

Bridge at the Enigma Club
By Peter Winkler. A bridge novel that relates the main character's new partnership with a mysterious woman and her methods for using encrypted, but legal signals.

Secrets Your Bridge Friends Never Tell You
By Cathy Winkler. An entertaining commentary on the ups and downs of playing bridge and the journey of progressing from beginner to expert. The author offers advice about a wide range of issues, from how to find and keep partners to playing with your spouse to hiring pros. 

The Lone Wolff: Autobiography of a Bridge Maverick 
By Bobby Wolff. A candid account of the bridge life of this world champion and former president of the American Contract Bridge League.

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